Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In the UFOS this term there has been great learning going on in our class, especally with our book review and our QR codes.The UFOS had to read a school libary book of their choice to write a book review on. Then we had to write a book review about the book on the laptops then our teacher or ourselves would send our book review to the documents folder on our class Gmail account. Mrs B would then create a QR code to stick on the back of our book from the school library. She would test the QR code on her I-phone to see if it would work. Keep checking out our blog.
Written by Charlotte

In the UFOS this term we have been learning how to write Procedures.  A Procedure is a step by step instruction of how to do something.
First we had to write a procedure about how to make something on toast, so Mrs Beauchamp (our teacher) could see what we know and what we need to know. We have now written a procedure of our choice. We have still got heaps more to learn and we are all looking forward to futher learning. Keep checking our blog for more imformation on what we are up to.
Have a great term!
Written by Meg

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Senior Swimming Sports

Good luck to all swimmers today. Go hard out for your house! Enjoy your day.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Naming the MKK Kids

The staff were unable to make a decision at the end of last week and so the opportunity is there for anyone to submit names for the MKK Kids that reflect our learning at Maraekakaho School. Get thinking UFOS!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thank You

A big thank you to Wayne Greer, the managing director of Staedtler in New Zealand for his generous donation of pens, pencils, rubbers, whiteboard markers, colouring in pencils and felts. It was like Christmas at MKK as we opened three boxes of goodies.

Term1 2012

Welcome fellow UFOS. It is going to be a great year of learning, leading and co-operating in our room. I can't wait to see the progress you will make in all your curriculum areas and on your journey to become independent learners. Yeehah!